Fear of Vomiting
Learn to Handle Your Vomit Reflex, using Hypnosis

Do you feel extremely uneasy at the thought of becoming nauseous? Need a way to deal calmly and sensibly with the possibility of throwing up?
Your body is a finely tuned machine. If something goes in that shouldn’t, you vomit to remove it. It’s a failsafe against food poisoning or ingesting too much of a toxin. But the feeling of your body rejecting something can be terrifying. You lose control, think you might choke, pass out, or not be able to stop vomiting.
It’s time to throw vomiting fear out of your life – with a little help from hypnosis.
No More Fear of Nausea
The Fear of Vomiting hypnosis session will help you calm down and understand your body’s need to cleanse itself!
As you listen, the NLP and hypnosis exercises will work to release your anxieties and keep your stomach from twisting with worry. You’ll rewire your thinking patterns to recognize your body’s attempts to maintain good health, appreciating the natural cycle it represents with a cool and calm state of mind.
This audio uses the well-known Fast Phobia Cure NLP technique to quickly purge your fear, wiping it from your mind for good.
Simply download the session, slip on some headphones, and listen, to discover how to:
- Conquer your anxiety, fear, and stress over vomiting!
- Accept your body’s response as necessary and embrace it as natural
- Allow vomiting without a fight – while relaxing your body
Download the Fear of Vomiting hypnosis session now to wash away your worries about vomiting, once and for all.