No More Shy Bladder
Conquer Nerves and Pee at Will, with Hypnosis

Does a shy bladder force you to stay near your home or make traveling a real issue? Want to be able to pee in public without feeing self-conscious about it?
Paruresis or shy bladder syndrome is a serious condition that makes it difficult to pee in the presence of others. It can cause sufferers to hold their bladder for long periods, causing discomfort, shame, embarrassment, and depression. But there is a way to beat it.
It’s time to shatter your shy bladder problem – with a little help from hypnosis.
Go to the Toilet Anywhere with Confidence
The No More Shy Bladder hypnosis session will help you overcome your shyness and find the confidence to go when you need to!
As you listen, the powerful hypnosis and NLP exercises will work to reprogram your mind and help you get your priorities in order. You’ll learn to loosen up and let tension dissolve away whenever you need to urinate, no matter where you are or who might be near. You’ll regain control over your bladder and confidently pee as the need arises.
Simply download the No More Shy Bladder hypnosis session, slip on your headphones, and listen, to discover how to:
- Rewire your mind to pee anywhere, anytime!
- Feel free to use any public restroom, no matter who’s present
- Use the toilet when YOU need to
Download the No More Shy Bladder hypnosis session now to put problems peeing in public firmly behind you.